Psychologists In Education (PIE)Constitution

Psychologists in Education (PIE) Ψ

A Special Interest Council of NLTA 

Psychologists In Education (PIE) Constitution 

School Psychologists are valuable professionals with unique skills and training in the K-12 education system.  Psychologists In Education (PIE) is a Special Interest Council (SIC) of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (NLTA) for Registered Psychologists working in the K-12 system. PIE is a professional learning community established for Psychologists working in the K-12 school system in Newfoundland and Labrador.  


Key goals & focus areas for the Psychologists in Education (PIE) Special Interest Council (SIC) include:


Membership in PIE shall consist of FOUR classes of members: Full Member, Associate Member, Student Member, and Honorary Member.

Candidates for membership shall apply to PIE and complete an application form. This form will then be reviewed by the PIE executive and recommended for/against approval via the above membership criteria and PIE executive majority vote.  Any member may withdraw from PIE by giving written notice of SIC withdrawal to the PIE Executive. For the convenience of members and the executive, membership will automatically roll over each year as long as the member continues to meet the criteria for membership. The PIE executive will survey members to help maintain accurate membership data.

Full Members of PIE are eligible for:


Ethics & Boundaries

Psychologists In Education will follow the Canadian Psychology Association (CPA) Code of Ethics as well as the Newfoundland and Labrador Association (NLTA) Code of Ethics. Psychologists In Education (PIE) shall be nonprofit, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian in its purposes and activities. Executive members and individual members are not permitted to speak on behalf of the entire membership without following due process. Each member shall inform the Co-Presidents and other executive members if there is a conflict of interest regarding any issue. In such a situation, the executive member must recuse themself from the vote on that issue.

Collaboration & Key Partnerships

Psychologists In Education will collaborate and connect with key partners to improve psychology services and support for all students, educators, families and school communities.

Executive & Executive Duties


Co-Treasurer/Membership Duties

Communications/Administration Co-Chairs


Annual Year

The annual fiscal year will be from April 1 to March 31.


This document was created in 2023-2024. It was sent to all members for review on multiple occasions.

The document was reviewed at the May 8, 2024 AGM and a PIE Provincial GoogleMeet on June 3rd. Document was emailed to members and voted on (June 18, 2024).

June 18, 2024