Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Did you know ?
Approximately 4% of the general population are FASD affected
FASD is most common non-genetic birth defect in North America
Over 80% of people with FASD, have an average IQ
Many people with FASD are unable to perform at levels indicated by their IQ scores (Brown, Gudjonsson, & Connor, 2011; Streissguth, 1996)
Educational success is more than just IQ
Nobody drinks with the intention to have a child with FASD
Information about FASD screening and diagnosis in Newfoundland & Labrador may be found in the link below.
Visit http://fasdnl.ca/conference.html for more information.
Have questions about registration or the conference in general? Email contact@fasdNL.ca
The Department of Education in Newfoundland and Labrador recognizes FASD as an Exceptionality under the category Neurodevelopmental and Related Disorders.