Meet Peggy

Peggy Hann (Co-President)

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I grew up on the southwest coast of Newfoundland in the small but beautiful fishing town of Burgeo. I love the outdoors (kayaking, hiking, bird/whale watching, camping, boating, etc…).  Other passions/hobbies include: music, cooking, photography, travel, technology and spending time with friends and family.  I love a good joke and I absolutely love making others laugh. A good joke or a good story or a play on words can add a little sunshine to any day…

I have worked as a Community Liaison Counsellor, School Counsellor, Autism Consultant with the Department of Education, Sessional Instructor at Memorial University, and I have taught in the Behaviour Unit at District School.  I am a Registered Psychologist in Newfoundland & Labrador. At present, I am working as a School Psychologist with NLESD and I have a small private practice.


I am currently the proud Co-President of the Psychologists in Education (PIE) SIC (a Special Interest Council of the NLTA).  Past SIC work included being President of NLCPA (they presented me with an Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award).  Other professional association involvement included serving as a Director with APNL (Association of Psychology in Newfoundland and Labrador). Some high interests areas include: Mental Wellness / Self-Care, ADHD, ASD, Specific Learning Disorders, Coping Strategies for dealing with Anxiety, Fostering "HappYness" and Life Balance.

Website Link: Peggy Hann Psychology

Why did you decide to become a School Psychologist?

It’s important to note that initially I was not sure if I wanted a career working with whales & other marine life. In high school, I considered becoming a Dentist. While in university, I worked as a “Summer Social Worker” on the southwest coast for two summer terms.  After I finished my undergrad (a B.Sc. in Psychology) and after the Cod Moratorium started in 1992, I worked in Bonavista as a part of “Stay In School” Federal Government grants (1992-1993 and 1993-1994).  I found out I loved working in schools and I totally enjoyed working with those that were struggling to find their way. During my time working with the School Counsellor and totally loving each day, I decided I wanted to pursue School Psychology.

One of my former colleagues, Dwain Campbell, used to ask students, “What do you want to do for 1350 Mondays?”  (there are approximately 1350 Mondays in a 30 year career ! lol)  They say if you find a career you love, you will not work a day in your life.  I feel quite fortunate to love what I do.  The work is challenging but very rewarding. The students, educators, parents, colleagues and community partners make it all very worthwhile. 

What do you love about being a School Psychologist?

I love the uniqueness of the profession. It’s all about the connections / relationships. Psychology is a science and we learn more about the brain and the human condition each day.  I love that I am always learning and I can use my skills/experience to help others. As psychologists, we constantly problem solve and look for ways to provide options and supports for students, educators, parents and other key stakeholders. I love assessment and I love working with behavioural challenges and any type of question that is posed re: learning, emotional behaviour, motivation, diagnosis, etc…  It’s a rewarding profession and I am quite proud to call myself a School Psychologist.

Resource(s) you love and want to share:

There is such a potpourri of resources out there. Anyone who knows me well would agree what a challenge it is for me to pick just “one” !  

My favourites include: “The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook” by E. J. Bourne, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) website and CADDRA website/resources.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA)

Favourite quote(s) / affirmation / mantra / saying:

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." ~Jim Ryun

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” ~Albert Einstein

"Done is better than perfect."